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„Hopefully, this film is coming just in time in the middle of political turmoil around the world where people want to know what is really going on. That is what this film is all about and on this score, I hope it will be the catalyst for serious reform and change.“

Martin Armstrong


Martin Armstrong started collecting coins as a young boy. His enduring interest in numismatics brought him his first wealth and set him on the path of to commodities trading and eventually the development of the Economic Confidence Model, which he traces back to ancient Rome.

Martin Armstrong’s meticulously researched and developed Economic Confidence Model has enormous implications for the world. At one point, everyone from Goldman Sachs to the CIA and FBI wanted it. Armstrong and his team at Princeton Economics took extreme measures to protect the algorithm and the computers it resided on.

Seeing the patterns of ancient civilizations like Rome repeated over and over gave Martin Armstrong the historical perspective to see the cycles in confidence and the economy. Using historical records, he predicts the path of modern society, and it isn’t rosy.

Martin Armstrong was imprisoned for 7 years for civil contempt, one of the longest-ever such cases in American history. From prison, he continued to work on his economic models, writing articles and analyzing the impact of current events.

talking with martin armstrong

interviews by fxstreet.com & Marcus vetter

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